We all know the big world of the internet gives us access to an untold number of potential clients, but what if you want to focus on local marketing?

In today’s competitive landscape, targeting local customers is essential for sustained growth and success. So I thought I’d explore some helpful marketing strategies to help you win over your local audience and gain a competitive edge.


Understanding the local market

Before diving into marketing strategies, it’s crucial to understand your local market thoroughly otherwise, how will you know if there’s a need for your service?

Conduct comprehensive market research to identify the needs, preferences, and pain points of your local customers. Analyse your competition and find ways to differentiate your business. Additionally, identify target customer demographics and psychographics specific to your local area.


Optimising for local SEO

To ensure your business is easily discoverable by local customers or clients:

  • Invest in local search engine optimisation (SEO).
  • Conduct keyword research to identify relevant local search terms.
  • Optimise your website content, meta tags, and URLs with local keywords.
  • Register your business on online directories and local business listings to improve your online visibility within the local market.


Leveraging online reviews and reputation management

Online reviews play a massive role in the decision-making process of local clients. So encourage your satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and social media. Monitor and manage online reviews effectively, promptly addressing any negative feedback in a professional and understanding way.

How you deal with negative feedback can hold as much weight with a potential client as positive feedback. Highlight positive reviews and testimonials on your website and marketing materials to build trust with potential customers.


Participating in community events and sponsorships

Engaging with the local community is an excellent way to gain visibility and build client loyalty. Start by identifying local events, fairs, and festivals that align with your target audience and participate as an exhibitor or sponsor. This involvement helps you connect with potential clients face-to-face and demonstrate your commitment to the community.

Local networking is also a great place to start—network with local influencers, your Chamber of Commerce and other relevant organisations to extend your reach further.


Collaborating with other local businesses

Forge strategic partnerships with complementary local businesses to leverage each other’s customer bases. Identify businesses that share your target audience and explore opportunities for cross-promotion and co-marketing. Collaborate on joint events, campaigns, or bundled offers to maximise exposure and generate mutual benefits.

For example, if you have a business creating beautiful cakes for special occasions, speak to local wedding or party planners or businesses that provide other party essentials such as balloons or caterers.


Using location-based advertising

Location-based advertising allows you to target your marketing efforts precisely. Leverage geotargeting and geofencing options to reach local customers effectively. Run targeted social media ads tailored to your local audience—utilise Google Ads to display your ads in specific geographical areas. Track and measure the effectiveness of your location-based ads to optimise your campaigns further.

Remember, you don’t have to immediately start using paid ads, organic marketing can be just as powerful. And if you decide to use paid ads, it could be worth speaking to someone who manages online ads professionally to ensure you get the best from your campaigns.

Embarrassing confession time: in the very early days of my business, I tried running my own Google ads campaign (with no knowledge). I spent nearly £400 in a week with not a single enquiry to show for it.


Harnessing the power of local content marketing

Create localised content that resonates with your local audience—blog about local topics, events, and news relevant to your customers. Share customer success stories and case studies from the local area to build trust and credibility.

Engage with the local community through social media platforms and email newsletters, providing valuable and localised content.


Implementing referral and loyalty programs

Existing clients can be powerful advocates for your business. Encourage them to refer friends and family by implementing referral programs with incentives. For example, I offer a 15% discount to my existing clients whenever they refer someone new who starts working with me.

Create customer loyalty programs that offer exclusive perks to local clients, rewarding them for their continued support. These programs not only drive repeat business but also generate positive word-of-mouth in the local community.


Measuring and adjusting local marketing strategies

Tracking key metrics is essential to evaluate the success of your local marketing efforts. Monitor website traffic, engagement, conversions, and customer acquisition from local sources. If you see something working, keep doing it. If you find something doesn’t, it’s time to change. But always give new marketing tactics sufficient time to get going; three months is a reasonable amount of time.

Analyse customer feedback, both online and offline, to gain insights into your marketing strategies and use A/B testing and experimentation to fine-tune your approach continuously.



Winning over local customers is a vital aspect of small business marketing. By:

  • understanding the local market
  • optimising for local SEO
  • leveraging online reviews
  • participating in community events
  • collaborating with other local businesses
  • utilising location-based advertising
  • harnessing the power of local content marketing

You can create a strong presence and resonate with their local audience. Implementing referral and loyalty programs, along with consistent measurement and adjustment, will help you stay competitive and achieve long-term success in your local market.

Embrace these strategies and watch your small business flourish within your local community.

As a Virtual Marketing Assistant specialising in content and copywriting, helping businesses attract and nurture their ideal clients to grow their sales lights me up. Drop me a message today if you need help identifying your perfect client, perfecting your messaging, or marketing your services.

You can also download my FREE guide to make SEO Easy, a handy desktop guide packed with quick and easy tips to get your business found online.


If you’re stuck with where to start with your social media or blogs, I send a FREE email every Sunday with 7 content ideas for the week ahead to help you get those creative juices flowing. You can sign up here.